The existing Saranac High School was converted to a junior high, and a new high school addition was constructed. New and existing spaces for performing arts, physical education, technology and library/media center are located for shared use.
The high school’s entrance was designed to create a separate identity and to establish a sense of place and purpose. With the site sloping from front to back, the entry and lobby are on the second level, and the public enters the building’s central space (gymnasium) on an elevated walkway/exercise track. Athletic locker rooms are located at the gymnasium-floor level and exit directly to the play fields.
The classrooms are clustered to support the school’s departmental structure, and faculty work and meeting spaces are located central to the clusters. The science rooms are grouped on the top level of the building and feature a skylight herbarium that is integrated into the building’s lobby.
The project included new voice, video and data systems. Every space is equipped for television, networked computers and Internet access.